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Notice of Annual General Meeting 2020

It is vital that you read this notice thoroughly and the attached documents prior to the AGM in order to be aware of AGM Business and how to conduct it.


Please see the agenda for details of the AGM, this can be found in the Members Cloud Storage or attached to the e-mail correspondence.


Please see the Constitution prior to the AGM, this can be found in the Members Cloud Storage or attached to the e-mail correspondence.

If you would like to propose any amendments to the constitution, please inform the current Executive Committee via our e-mail by no later than 23:59 on Friday the 28th of February, 2020 (23:59, 28/02/2020) (GMT). Any submissions after this deadline will not be accepted. We require amendments by this time in order to inform other members and give sufficient time for analysis of any proposed amendments.


All position detailed in the Constitution will be available for election at the AGM unless otherwise stated in this notice.

Please see the Committee Descriptions for more details about committee roles, these can be found in the Members Cloud Storage or attached to the e-mail correspondence.

These descriptions may be subject to moderate alterations at the first meeting of the new committee, elected at the coming AGM.

In order to apply for a role on the AUTIC Executive Committee we require the submission, via our e-mail, of the following documents by no later than 23:59 on Friday the 6thof March 2020 (23:50, 06/03/2020) (GMT):

· One Page CV

· Short Paragraph of Intent

Again, any submission after this deadline will not be accepted.

Special Circumstances – General

As can be seen in our constitution, some committee positions have extra considerations to be eligible. However, if you feel you can genuinely contribute to the role please do not hesitate to apply or at the very least, we hope you would be willing to ask more about the role. The Executive Committee has the power to disregard these considerations if we feel it to be appropriate.

Special Circumstances – Senior Analysts

All positions of Senior Analyst will not be held for election at the coming AGM as they are selected by the new Executive Committee through a separate application process.

The order in which office bearers will be elected will be in the same order as they appear in the Agenda, not as they may appear in other documentation. If at the AGM you are not elected to your preferred position, you may apply for subsequent positions at the meeting.

You will be required to present a brief presentation on why you should be elected to the position followed by a short Q&A session. The order of individual presentations will be randomly assigned.

Identification and Voting

Due to the nature of the AGM we require that all members bring their Student Identification to the meeting. If members cannot produce this identification, they will be allowed into the meeting however they may be seated separately and will not be allowed to vote.

Non-members will also be allowed into the meeting however may be seated separately and will not be allowed to vote.

Eligibility to vote will be limited to Members who have paid their membership through AUSA by midnight, one month prior to the commencement of the AGM – 23:59 on Sunday the 9th of February (23:59, 09/02/2020) (GMT).


Thank you for making it to the end of this notice, we understand it is not the briefest nor simplest of reading however it is truly valuable to the ongoing operation, accountability and ultimate success of AUTIC.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts and seeing you at the AGM.

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